Purchase Limits

Everything you need to get up and running with our Purchase Limits plugin!

Message placeholders

The plugins allows you to use placeholders within the add to cart and cart page messages to further customise each message for each product. Not all placeholders are available for use in each message type. See the Add to Cart Messages and Cart Page Messages section to more information in which placeholder are available in each message type.

[product_name] - The name of the product

[min_limit] - The current minimum limit set. This will differ based on whether the placeholder is being used in a product quantity, cart quantity, cart value, category quantity or category value limit.

[max_limit] - The current maximum limit set. This will differ based on whether the placeholder is being used in a product quantity, cart quantity, cart value, category quantity or category value limit.

[needed_qty] - The quantity still needed to fulfil the current minimum quantity limit. Only used in minimum quantity limit messages.

[category_name] - The name the category that the limit is being applied for. Only available in category limits.

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