SEO Toolkit

Everything you need to get up and running with our SEO Toolkit plugin!

The plugins settings

The plugin adds a new tab to Woocommerce's setting where you will find the settings for the plugin.

Navigate to Woocommerce > Settings and you will see the new 'SEO' tab.

General Settings

The general settings section contains a few general settings for the plugin.

Remove Product Category Base
Removes the product category base. See Removing the Product Category Base for more information.

Adding filters to breadcrumbs
This setting gives you the option of deciding which pages the plugin should add the filters that a user would choose when browsing your products to the breadcrumbs. For more information on how the plugin improves the breadcrumbs, see the Breadcrumbs section for more information.

Titles and Meta settings

The Titles and Meta section contains page title, meta description and robot access settings for the shop page, category pages and product pages.

The category and product settings applied here will be used for all categories and products but can be overridden within an individual category or product.

The page titles and meta descriptions are created using templates which can contain placeholder tags for different pieces of data. These tags will be replaced dynamically based on the page that is being viewed. For more information, see the Templating Engine section for more information.

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