SEO Toolkit

Everything you need to get up and running with our SEO Toolkit plugin!

Replacing filter parameters with keywords

When using filters on the shop page or the category page, Woocommmerce - by default - will add the filters as parameters into the URL E.g. The plugin gives you the ability to to replace these parameters with the values of the filters instead giving you a short, cleaner, keyword rich URL.

To enable this, you simply need to replace the default layered navigation widgets built into Woocommerce with the plugins own SEO Layered Navigation Widget

Using the SEO Layered Navigation widget, the plugin will automatically replace the filters in the URL with keywords. So the URL mentioned previously would become

Note..If you are already adding filters to the breadcrumbs then you will already be using the new layered navigation widget and already benefiting from a keyword rich URL.

Did you know...You can use the layered navigation widget in combination with removing the product category base to give you an even shorter and cleaner URL!

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