Partial Orders

Everything you need to get up and running with our Partial Orders plugin!

Adding shipments to order items

Adding shipments for order items is done in the orders page.

  1. Navigate to Woocommerce > Orders and select an order from the list.
  2. On the order page, scroll to the order items table. You will see the currenct status of the order in the 'Shipped' column.
  3. To add a new shipment, click on the X on an item that has not been fully shipped.
  4. A pop up window will appear with the options for adding a new shipment above and the items shipping history (if previous shipments for this items have been made) below.
  5. To add a new shipment, first select the date that the shipment was made. This will always default to today's date.
  6. Then select the quantity to be shipped. Be default, the total remaining quantity of this item will be selected. Be sure to change this if you are shipping less than the remaining quantity.
  7. Click save. The order items table will be updated to reflect this new shipment. The order status will also automatically be changed if needed.

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